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The banner image showcases a group of professionals engaged in lively conversation at a networking event. A woman in a white blazer is laughing, while others around her exchange smiles and handshakes. The bright, modern setting and the participants' enthusiastic expressions convey a sense of collaboration, connection, and community in a professional environment.

REALTOR® Association Community

Our foundation is the collaboration and cooperation between our REALTOR® members, local boards and provincial associations.

Real Estate in Canada


CREA represents the industry nationally and internationally. Our strategic focus includes advocacy efforts on behalf of REALTORS® and Canadian property owners, buyers and sellers; our REALTOR® and consumer technology products; and the promotion, enhancement and protection of the REALTOR® brand.

Learn more about our mission

Provincial & Territorial

Provincial and territorial boards associations represent members within their province or territory. They provide a variety of resources and support to their members, such as educational opportunities, technology tools and services, and governance protocols.


Local boards and associations provide structure and services to REALTORS® at a more municipal level. These resources and are often a first point of support for REALTORS® beyond peers, their brokerage or franchise.

Boards and Associations Across Canada

This reflects CREA's 2024 Q4 membership information and will be updated again in August 2025.