CREA Café Blog
REALTOR.ca is the only real estate portal that combines MLS® System feeds from every real estate board and association in the country.
With more listings than any other real estate platform in Canada, REALTOR.ca is a trusted resource owned by REALTORS® with one primary objective: to support your business. In 2022, REALTOR.ca received more than half a billion visits by 121 million visitors and that trend doesn’t look to be slowing down.
According to a 2021 Nanos research study, 87% of Canadians who are in the market for a new home are aware of REALTOR.ca.
5.7 million
REALTOR.ca sent 5.7 million leads to REALTORS® in 2022. On average, 54 leads are sent to REALTORS® every five minutes. These leads are exclusively available to you as a benefit of your CREA membership.
Despite already being the top real estate platform, REALTOR.ca saw a 4% rise in market share in 2022, increasing to encompass 49% of all activity in the Canadian real estate industry for similar platforms.
In January 2025, REALTOR.ca transitioned into REALTOR.ca Canada Inc., a separate, taxable, wholly owned subsidiary of the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). As a subsidiary, 100% owned by CREA, the platform will be able to reinvest new sources of revenue back into the platform, helping it innovate and grow.
More agile. More innovative. More value to REALTORS® and Canadians. This is the future of REALTOR.ca.
REALTOR.ca generated 5.7 million leads in 2022 through the Email a REALTOR®, Email Office, and Phone a REALTOR® buttons. REALTOR.ca DDF® drove more than 489,000 of these leads through real estate advertising websites and partner sites like Scotiabank, The Globe and Mail, and TD Canada Trust.
Discover what REALTOR.ca visitors are looking for in the areas you care about.
CREA Café Blog
CREA Café Blog
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CREA Café Blog