REALTOR.ca is Canada’s No.1 real estate platform, featuring the most active listings across the country and regularly updated data.
A REALTOR® knows you’re looking for more than just a roof and four walls. With their help, you won’t just buy a house, you’ll find a home.
With valuable real estate market knowledge, REALTORS® work to ensure you’re getting objective and accurate information when it comes to buying or selling your home.
A REALTOR® will be on your team and is committed to protecting your interests. As you navigate this complex process, they’ll be with you every step of the way.
By working with a REALTOR®, you’ll be able to navigate complicated situations with a pro. REALTORS® have the expertise required to help strategize, negotiate and achieve the best outcomes possible. Plus, they’ll provide expert guidance throughout the entire home buying and selling journey. They’re your home buying MVPs!
In January 2025, REALTOR.ca transitioned into REALTOR.ca Canada Inc., a separate, taxable, wholly owned subsidiary of the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). As a subsidiary, 100% owned by CREA, the platform will be able to reinvest new sources of revenue back into the platform, helping it innovate and grow.
More agile. More innovative. More value to REALTORS® and Canadians. This is the future of REALTOR.ca.