Money on Your Mind: Boost Your Financial Confidence

When was the last time you talked in depth about money?
Research shows talking about finances can build financial confidence, and lead to better financial outcomes. But you need to know where to start.
To help get the conversation started, the latest episode of REAL TIME welcomes Melissa Leong, best-selling author, and resident money expert on the daytime talk show, The Social.
Leong takes a deep dive into the connection between money and happiness, how we use emotion over logic when it comes to financial decision making, some of the most common mistakes made by self-employed individuals, and how being more financially aware can help REALTORS® in their business.
Share this episode of REAL TIME on your social media channels or in a newsletter to help get the conversation about money started with your clients.
Why should REALTORS® listen to this episode?
Leong offers valuable insights into how she recommends people think and talk about money. While the information shared in this episode can be useful for your personal or professional lives, it’s also a great conversation to understand how to speak with clients or community members about their finances.
While many think of finances as black and white, Leong explores the grey zone and gives practical information to help everyone speak about personal finance from a place of empathy, while also being realistic and useful.
When you are speaking about money, even your own family members and trying not to judge and trying not to do anything but be, again, a compassionate listener will go a very long way.
– Melissa Leong
How can REALTORS® help clients talk about money?
For many, finances and the dream homeownership are intrinsically linked. REALTORS® are uniquely positioned to raise awareness about the financial choices and options available to future and current home buyers.
In addition to listening to this month’s podcast, CREA Café collected just a few things REALTORS® can do or share with their clients to educate them on the importance of talking about money. By improving your own financial education and literacy, you can help empower clients and community members with the goal of homeownership to succeed.