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Five reasons I’m proud to be a part of the REALTOR® Action Network

As former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Tip O’Neill once stated, “All politics is local.” What did he mean exactly? Well, I take it to mean two things: (1) a politician’s success is directly tied to his or her ability to understand and advance the issues of their constituents; and (2) when government makes decisions, whether in Washington or Ottawa, they reverberate across the country – hitting every community in one way or another, making federal political decisions local.

As a real estate agent, the localization of politics can translate into positive changes for my business, like the introduction of the Home Buyers’ Plan, a government program that has helped many of my clients purchase their first home. It can also present challenges; this is one of the reasons why I’ve joined the REALTOR® Action Network (RAN), our industry’s interactive platform that connects REALTORS®, Boards, and Associations with federal government decision makers.

Because “all politics is local” and “locals” decide who represents our communities on Parliament Hill, more and more Members of Parliament (MPs) are focusing on what is being said by their constituents. This gives REALTORS® an opportunity to be a part of the political process and voice our concerns about the issues facing our communities.

And for me, the most effective way to be heard on Parliament Hill is by joining the RAN. I encourage all REALTORS® to get involved. If you still aren’t convinced, here are five reasons I’m proud to be a part of the REALTOR® Action Network:

  1. It allows me to protect my business and my clients. RAN provides a direct connection to my MP when legislation that severely impacts the real estate sector is being debated in Parliament.

  2. It provides me with background on emerging issues and guidance on how to comply with new legislation and regulations so I can tailor my business.

  3. It enables me to provide additional value to my clients by explaining how recent legislation and regulation affects them.

  4. Through my members-only subscription to iPolitics, an Ottawa political news provider, I get an insider’s view of activities on and around Parliament Hill.

  5. I get to shape the focus of CREA’s Federal Affairs program by referring issues and contributing to federal affairs research.

With an election on the horizon, this is a crucial time for REALTORS® to be heard. The Simcoe and District Real Estate Board and I have been promoting the RAN in our area and are pleased to report a 23.8 per cent increase in enrolment in just two weeks. We recognize that if we are going to have Great Expectations then we must have great participation. Join us! Please visit today!

Peter Butler

Peter Butler is a full time REALTOR® and member of the Simcoe & District Real Estate Board. He is a Broker with Royal LePage Brown Realty, Brokerage serving Norfolk County and an active proponent for organized real estate amongst his peers. Before his career in real estate, Peter served 10 years in the Canadian military. When he’s not helping his clients, he spends his down-time with his wife and two children.


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